Groups and joining them.....

Important, please read!

Moderators: Philio, RETSNOM

Posts: 707

Groups and joining them.....

Post#1 » Tue Jan 29, 2008 6:20 pm

We currently have the ability to have 50 players + group leader. Please join groups to assist guild members if stamina allows. If you have a group open please use common courtesy and join others.

Additionally, if your group is strong enough to take whatever you are hunting while mercenaries are active, please set your minimum group join level to 9999. This will allow you to use your group (with the mercenaries) but will not allow others to join, using their stamina for no reason.

Lastly, do not waste a group. A full group is equivalent to around 250+ stamina. Do not use a full group to kill, for example, a Venus Man Trap. These are monsters you should be able to solo. If you can't, look into getting better gear but do not waste everyone's stamina by using a group on them.

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