Guild gear

Important, please read!

Moderators: Philio, RETSNOM

Posts: 1378

Guild gear

Post#1 » Tue Sep 15, 2009 4:03 pm

0.) Don't recall gear off people who are actively using it, talk to the person using it, or talk to a leader if you're having problems.

1.) Guild gear is for the entire guild to use. Take any gear you need while you are LEVELING, Bounty Hunting, and PvP Arena, not for offline use. Stam gain epics can be worn offline, but if they are needed for Arena, they may be recalled.

2.) Return the gear as soon as you are done. Repaired.

3.) If you forget to return it we will recall it and leave you NAKED and COLD.

4.) If you're leveling or Titan hunting with crystalline gear, use UB200, When using crystalline gear for leveling, post its durability in chat when you take it out, and when you return it.

5.) NEVER EVER craft any guild gear.

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