
Important, please read!

Moderators: Philio, RETSNOM

Posts: 707


Post#1 » Wed Aug 06, 2008 12:55 pm

Despair Crystal is our new home PERIOD.

To get to the relic, if you're not near a portal (50 steps or so):
Instant portal to Krul
Walk to Cathedral of Ways portal
Portal to Frozen Divide
Go to Depths of Despair
Go to Dephts of Despair 2

If you are near a portal, portal to Frozen Divide.

From the relic to the nearest portal:
Walk to Depths of Despair 1
Go to Frozen Divide
Go to Crypt of Carnage

here are the rules......

DO NOT TAKE ANY OTHER RELICS, and never take an empowered Relic without explicit permission from a leader.

You must go and sit on the relic to help defend it.

If another guild is trying to take our relic, do keep the lead defender buffed with the correct buffs.

Do always wear defense gear, stamina gain gear is acceptable.

Here are the exceptions......

If you are in Xinderoth (400-420) or Kreth (440-450) you are excused.

only other exception is if you come talk to me or Icobod372 personally and explain why you cant and I will add you to a list of giving you permission not to defend.

Thats all I can think of for now more to come later.


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