Application Template: copy/paste into New Topic after account activation

Moderators: Philio, RETSNOM

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Fracking Leader
Posts: 1906

Application Template: copy/paste into New Topic after account activation

Post#1 » Wed Feb 25, 2015 1:20 pm

Basic Info

Character Name :
Age :
Level :
Join Date :
Max stam :
# of Stam gain upgrades:
# of XP gain upgrades :

Guilds you have been in, and why you left:

References inside For Fracks Sake :
References outside For Fracks Sake :



--What country are you in and what is your native language?
--What are your favourite aspects of Fallen Sword?
--What goals do you have in playing the game?


A few requirements

As a member of For Fracks Sake, do you agree to follow these few expectations? :
--Defend our Relic at all times.
--Read our guild rules and follow them.
--Actively support your guild mates by joining groups and buffing.


We stand for teamwork and trust. We are a family, we act as a family, we treat each other and our allies as family and if necessary we defend like family! Do you understand and agree to this?


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